Thursday 01/08/2024 03:09pm (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
Sunday 30/06/2024 01:45am (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
Saturday 20/04/2024 04:27pm (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Saturday 20/04/2024 04:26pm (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Saturday 20/04/2024 04:26pm (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Saturday 20/04/2024 04:01pm (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Saturday 20/04/2024 03:25pm (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Saturday 20/04/2024 03:01pm (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
Honestly I need money or product now im about to have my head booted in I've cancer im in no way deserve this at all if you guys have any dignity you'll fix this with me now it wasn't my money and I've had all night and day cunts after my head for this
Saturday 20/04/2024 02:59pm (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
And now a word from our sponsors....
Saturday 20/04/2024 02:58pm (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Saturday 20/04/2024 12:15pm (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Friday 19/04/2024 11:43pm (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
Friday 19/04/2024 11:10pm (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Friday 19/04/2024 10:58pm (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
I need 500 straight away pay I'd to me that I've paid Charlie hours ago his not showed up here and im getting abused by the owner of the money to get this sorted
Friday 19/04/2024 02:57pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Friday 19/04/2024 02:57pm (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
Babe I'm stuck at sexyland near emu hotel can you help me out to get home?
Thursday 18/04/2024 09:26pm (Sent from Cronulla, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.