Monday 26/10/2015 01:46am (Sent from Unknown via Optus Mobile Pty Limited)

MMS 104763

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Friday 23/10/2015 04:53pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)

MMS 104596

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Thursday 01/10/2015 07:00pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)

MMS 102751

Would love to come round and lick your pussy til you cum! In Morningside

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Friday 25/09/2015 11:22am (Sent from Palmerston, ACT (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)

MMS 102186

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Sunday 06/09/2015 08:24pm (Sent from Villawood, NSW (best guess) via Optus Mobile Pty Limited)

MMS 100640

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And now a word from our sponsors....

Tuesday 21/07/2015 04:59pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)

MMS 96485

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Sunday 19/07/2015 08:12pm (Sent from Unknown via Telstra Corporation Limited)

MMS 96349

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Wednesday 15/07/2015 01:36am (Sent from Unknown via Telstra Corporation Limited)

MMS 96048

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Sunday 12/07/2015 02:37pm (Sent from Renown Park, SA (best guess) via Optus Mobile Pty Limited)

MMS 95874

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Sunday 12/07/2015 02:35pm (Sent from Renown Park, SA (best guess) via Optus Mobile Pty Limited)

MMS 95872

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