Thursday 13/02/2025 01:43pm (Sent from Unknown via Telstra Corporation Limited)
HOPE YOUR OK BRACO ,notified mum n dad ov going ons ther,, TAKE COVER or run SOUTH
Thursday 13/02/2025 12:10pm (Sent from Unknown via Telstra Corporation Limited)
BOG braco heard BIG CYCLONE headed rt your way pack up and leave rt now KARRATHA is too be hit hardest i have txt'd mum n dad , they will call or txt later CHARGE your ph. before it intensifies and BUNKER DOWN even better LEAVE head south now❤️❤️❤️
Friday 21/07/2023 03:07pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Call me if you need something i suggest pack up go to mum n dad while you can otherwise wer in a rot here
Friday 21/07/2023 03:06pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Caller said "Yeah Steve. But that's all. I try to call you mate. Now I finally got the number to call you. People are playing."
Friday 21/07/2023 03:04pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Call me braco molim cijemo se ,GOD BLESS
Friday 21/07/2023 03:02pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Tuesday 18/07/2023 11:13am (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Hi Eddie how you going. Yeah just wondering mate how you're travelling and whether or not you're available mate. Yeah give me a call. Jobs in Winston Hills give me a call. Thank."
Wednesday 12/07/2023 02:44pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Your out ov the bin
Wednesday 12/07/2023 02:44pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Call me
Wednesday 12/07/2023 02:44pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Winston hills please eddy
Wednesday 12/07/2023 02:43pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Call me need you ta edward
Wednesday 12/07/2023 02:43pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Edward. Please it's Ante. Give me a call man. Bye. Fucking hell I did take fucking for somebody to pick you up."
Tuesday 11/07/2023 01:53pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Hi eddy call me please i have work organised /i will look after you call me ta eddy
Tuesday 11/07/2023 01:52pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Tuesday 11/07/2023 01:32pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Hi Eddie how you going. Yeah Ton Tony mate. Listen I'm ready for work if you want to come and give me a hand man. I look after you."
Friday 07/07/2023 12:40pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Friday 07/07/2023 12:39pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Can you work moro
Friday 07/07/2023 12:39pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Cant you take a joke call me please needyou will look after you
Friday 07/07/2023 12:38pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Thursday 06/07/2023 03:19pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Got work later next week continous thereafter ta brada
Thursday 06/07/2023 03:18pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
If you,ve come down off your cloud down to earth then please call me eddy you no i got time for you i will look after you big nose GOD BLESS
Thursday 06/07/2023 03:16pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Hi five or 10 minutes. You right now. You come off your fucking cloud. Give me a call when you on mate. Come in next week. If you could."
Wednesday 05/07/2023 04:33pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Sam Ben."
Wednesday 05/07/2023 03:37pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Eddie please give me a call mate. It's Ruben. Please."
Wednesday 05/07/2023 12:14pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Wednesday 05/07/2023 12:10pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Call me if you want work but dont let me down i repect you but that episode was not good enough /i came to no.14 roland avenue liverpool waited 20mins knocked on the door /2 guinea pigs later and no answer .old lady came to the door and said no EDDY LIVES HERE. I said sorry for your trouble 1 hour later i got to my job /you tell me who is.rt n who is wrong????
Wednesday 05/07/2023 12:02pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Hey how you going. Yeah I know we talked about. I was only just a fucking Jimbo Jimbo Jimbo. Whatever wise man fuck. Bye."
Tuesday 04/07/2023 03:47pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
This message could not be converted to text.
Tuesday 04/07/2023 02:01pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Tuesday 04/07/2023 01:58pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
I can pik you up but not like before please be prim n proper eddy i beg please understand i lost 30 mins if not more waiting for you ta eddy if you want to team up let me no ta brother
Tuesday 04/07/2023 01:51pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
This message could not be converted to text.
Tuesday 04/07/2023 01:49pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Call me edward
Tuesday 04/07/2023 01:48pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Sin bin is over calls are allowed
Tuesday 04/07/2023 01:48pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Tuesday 04/07/2023 12:44pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Tuesday 04/07/2023 12:41pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Monday 03/07/2023 06:45pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
I moved to nowra to work with my brother no need to call me not in sydney
Monday 03/07/2023 05:21pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
The hearing is tonite you might get cleared edward i have pulling power see wat judiciary comes up with as i no you need to be a good honest n trustworthy tradesman and conduct yourself in a civilized manner stilll sin binned i was so much lookin forward to see you you missed that op. Buy a trowel n level n keep it forever have a snooze for 2 days ill call you there after ta eddy get into it if your off you knumnut wake up to yourself
Monday 03/07/2023 05:10pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Eddie. I know it's not easy but anyway. Obviously Eddie. I'm proud man. I'll go online."
Friday 09/06/2023 12:36pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "How you going back to you. I went to a funeral yesterday. Had a big day yesterday. Had had injections in my knee because(?) ..."
Thursday 09/02/2023 12:07pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Tuesday 31/01/2023 12:57pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Your a wanker and terrible friend .stop stalking me every second day I have cameras
Tuesday 31/01/2023 12:54pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Last chance no more bull shit if it's lou or if it's me doesn't matter go for it you mate are a disaster waiting to happen and who cares mate good luck and God bless
Tuesday 31/01/2023 12:50pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Friday 24/09/2021 02:17pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
dont ever open my truck ever again/you have been warned/truck is locked from now on/stuff keeps goin missn/dont respond/just dont help urself when u feel like it without asking/understood nate/truck will be locked everday n night no more sneaking over /UNDERSTOOD/!!!!!!
Tuesday 23/03/2021 02:48pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
u havnt spoke to mum n dad for a long time/ please call me before i speak to starci veceras our time i will call tata na viber round bout 9 o clock our time/god bless tlk later /zovi me /ako imas vrimena /cuvaj se /i cujemo se /prijatno
Tuesday 23/03/2021 02:34pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
i caca se javio priko sms a ti nista /glavno da si ok//pricat cu sa roditeljima veceras /glavno da si ok cujemo se kasnije seka take it easy/god bless tlk later/ ps call me boz
Tuesday 23/03/2021 02:27pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
call me o my number not private ca my number is 0408xxxxxxta seka/have had lot ov pranks on my mobi so need to make sure its u /bozana kardum capish/razumi pa javi/zvat cu starce veceras pa javi ako imas koju poruku any way before i call mum n dad bout 8 tonite /let me no if u need messages sent to mum n dad/call me will speak to starci tonite bout 9pm so do wat wat u have to spoke to caco he was obvliosly concerned will call him and speak tonite/couldnt do it yesterday cause dad je u selo /vuksic/told him to call me when he gets back pa cu ga zvat on viber/cujemo se kasnije lol seka /stay safe n dry/be carefull /cujemo se i javi mi da si ok
Tuesday 23/03/2021 02:07pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
reply when u can seka lol
Tuesday 23/03/2021 02:03pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
hi seka hard times hope ur ok please let me no ur ok i spoke to my worker he lives near u quantas drve /up further maybe ly or something road he told me all good but roads r subsiding /meaning plenty ov potholes//please call me tata je poslao sms da idi u selo u vuksis/i snjim sam razgovaro /on ce mi se javit kad se vrati iz sela/pa cemo razgovarat priko viber/caci sam opisao situaciju oni su pobrinuti ali sam reko njima da za sada svi smo ok /seka svat cu nji veceras oko 8 sati/zvao sam moga ra
dnika on zivi to na quantas boulervarde /reko mi da nije bad /nazovi me /sms sam slao caci i pricali oni su brinuti/ seka zvat cu tamo roditejle veceras pa cu ti javit/lol seka to n pat/stay safe n dry /tlk soon bog
And now a word from our sponsors....
Thursday 11/03/2021 03:18pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
seka please give me a call thankyou much apprecited/luv u
Thursday 11/03/2021 03:16pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller did not leave a message.
Thursday 11/03/2021 03:15pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller did not leave a message.
Sunday 27/12/2020 05:36pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Caller said "Hi seco(?) it's aunty. Need you to call me ASAP. Thank you. Bye."
Sunday 27/12/2020 05:22pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
seka please call me much appreciated thankyou
Sunday 27/12/2020 05:22pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Seco(?) how you going. Yeah 7:30(?) done(?). Yes I was to Bondi. I spoke to mum and dad. Please give me a call."
Sunday 27/12/2020 05:19pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Hi sis how you going I spoke to mum and dad. Please give me a call. Thank you. Bye."
Sunday 27/12/2020 05:19pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Hi sis. How you going. Yeah I spoke to mum and dad. Please give me a call thank you. It's Astrid(?) here. Yvonne done yesterday was for Bunda(?)."
Tuesday 15/12/2020 03:14pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Yeah Seth(?) how you going. Yeah alright. I heard you went to yesterday. And you supposed to like."
Tuesday 15/12/2020 03:13pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Yeah Slacker(?) how you going man. Yeah after. Yeah listen give me a call. It's but you went to."
Tuesday 15/12/2020 01:22pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
why seja u go to tetka andas/wìthout call me/u fukn normal what the hell u got to speak to tetka before speakn to me/at d end ov d day u need to call me/i luv y but be honest how many times u com past/call me jasam razocharan
Tuesday 15/12/2020 01:15pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "What the fuck is that. What the fuck is that."
Tuesday 15/12/2020 12:02pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Yeah it's just give me a call."
Monday 07/12/2020 05:54pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Yeah Seco(?) how you going. Yeah listen. Just give me a call. Love you. Just give me a call."
Thursday 03/12/2020 10:15am (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Yeah Eddie. How you going Tone. Yeah give me a call if you know it was Steve. Give me a call. I got a job in Austral registrar(?) tomorrow."
Friday 27/11/2020 04:05pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Caller said "Eddie. Stop being up towards(?) man pick my fucking phone calls. Don't fucking worry about steve(?) I sent this morning. Hey grant(?)."
Tuesday 24/11/2020 07:04pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
ur unbelievable thought better ov u/life is short remember who u can call true friends/understood!!!!
Tuesday 24/11/2020 07:01pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller did not leave a message.
Monday 23/11/2020 04:28pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Caller said "Hi, it's Ian here. ___ Because you get paid. Is that ___. I bet cos you're a ___ slut. Thank you. ___."
Monday 23/11/2020 04:08pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
call me ta eddy
Monday 23/11/2020 04:08pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Caller said "Eddie. Yeah it's Tone. How you going mate. Listen give me a call man. Like honestly what's going on. You guys get paid. I get paid."
Monday 23/11/2020 02:18pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "How you going Eddy. Listen what's going on mate. What is it dickhead. What you're up to. I'm going I'm ___."
Monday 23/11/2020 02:14pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
fuk off eddy ur a fukn idiot shame in u/go get fukd ur n embaŕresment to all /do not ever call me for help deal with ur dickhead mate that let u down go get stuffed u idiot
Friday 20/11/2020 05:06pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Eddie. Give me a call. Need to know what's going on with this ___ idiot. Lowlife. ___ ___ hasn't paid."
Friday 20/11/2020 05:00pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
can u please call me ta eddy/dont ignore my calls /thankyou
Thursday 19/11/2020 05:32pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
call me u lame ass /r u scared to call me because ov that fukn idiot steve david /god help u all
Thursday 19/11/2020 05:30pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Eddy. No need to call me. Don't know what what's happening with this ___ idiot that owes me money man please ___."
Tuesday 10/11/2020 02:40pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller did not leave a message.
Monday 09/11/2020 03:03pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Caller said "Eddy ___ off you ___ pig. Trying to help you out man. What the ___'s wrong with you."
Monday 09/11/2020 12:41pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Eddie yeah Steve trying to call me. I look. Regardless of what you've done. Whatever it is. I'm fine."
Monday 09/11/2020 12:41pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Hey how you're going mate. Yeah it's Tone. Yeah Steve trying to call me today. I was busy next door mate. What the ___'s going on ___."
Saturday 07/11/2020 03:16pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller did not leave a message.
Thursday 05/11/2020 02:39pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Eddie. Are you off limits or something. Or do I see you drive past earlier today. You're off limits. You ___."
Thursday 05/11/2020 02:35pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
call me u dickhead
Wednesday 04/11/2020 06:23pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Yeah Eddie. Give me a call. You're a hypocrite man. Give me a call. Alright bro(?) I'll(?) speak to you. Thank you. Bye."
Wednesday 04/11/2020 05:03pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Eddy. Eddy. It's Tone. Why are you ___ doing this for this ___ lowlife loser."
Wednesday 04/11/2020 04:56pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
its d last time i call u ever di u fukn uderstand ta eddy
Wednesday 04/11/2020 03:49pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller said "Eddie. I'll(?) told(?) your friends. You get back to me and give me a call. But obviously you're different. Different soy. Different."
Wednesday 04/11/2020 03:48pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller left a message that could not be converted to text.
Monday 02/11/2020 03:52pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
ta edward for ur honesty
Monday 02/11/2020 03:52pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Caller did not leave a message.
Monday 02/11/2020 03:16pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
did u wrk today????
Monday 02/11/2020 02:57pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
hi eddy u rat bag why has this motherfukn user got u under the thumb i pitty u the sooner u get outer der the better for u the fukwit doesnt pay and he users people to advantage never again/dont become another guinnie pig he is a pig and big one at that/good luck wrkn with pigs n rats
Monday 02/11/2020 02:52pm (Sent from Merimbula, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)
Caller did not leave a message.
Friday 30/10/2020 05:25pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Caller said "Eddy. Just need to ___ speak to you because you my only ___. Too ___ ___ picking the phone."
Friday 30/10/2020 05:24pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
call me understood
Thursday 29/10/2020 03:46pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Caller said "Eddie. I'll try to call you multiple(?) times today. Can you call me back please. Thank you."
Thursday 29/10/2020 03:26pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Caller said "Eddie. Why can't you pick your phone up. Hey ___ too. Are you ___ normal. The guys are ___ ___."
Thursday 29/10/2020 02:41pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Caller said "Yeah just the storm mate. There's a storm coming towards Blacktown get out the ___ storm and then. Thank you for ___."
Thursday 29/10/2020 01:41pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
call me ta ed