Tuesday 01/08/2023 10:17am (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Is Barbie today ?
Tuesday 01/08/2023 10:17am (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.
Thursday 09/06/2022 01:11pm (Sent from Chester Hill, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
Don't forget hospo
Monday 18/11/2019 01:17pm (Sent from Chester Hill, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)
Caller did not leave a message.
And now a word from our sponsors....
Friday 11/10/2019 08:15pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Caller did not leave a message.
Friday 11/10/2019 08:15pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Caller did not leave a message.
Friday 11/10/2019 08:14pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Caller did not leave a message.
Friday 11/10/2019 07:46pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)
Hey Amelia it's Emily